We all have those moments when we’re feeling a little down on ourselves or on the world around us, but being in a bad mood never results to anything good for our mind or for our body. There are a multitude of reasons why you may get in a bad mood – maybe you’re just hungry, maybe your hormones need a little readjusting, or maybe that guy at work just said something that got under your skin. While you may think that all of these things are out of your control, the first step in combatting a bad mood is to realize that with a little effort, your mood is actually something that you can control. It’s like the classic saying “We can’t control the way others treat us, but we can control the way we react.”
Okay, so now you know you have the power to control your moods..so why does it seem like such a hard thing to do? The answer to this is fairly in depth, and if you have studied psychology you will know that there are multiple theories focused on this topic, but a lot of it comes down to the fact that humans seem to enjoy dwelling on things. “Whoa is me” sets in and we find ourselves not only feeling angry or upset, but also starting to feel down on ourselves as well. All of this negativity creates a downward spiral, essentially causing a snowball effect that leads to more and more negativity over time.
So what can you do to break this cycle? The overall goal that you should be consciously focusing on is to switch your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Over time, you will notice yourself focusing on the positive aspects of a situation, which of course will result in less bad moods throughout your day to day life. Easier said than done, I know, but below I’m discussing 5 tricks that work incredibly well if you are open to applying them properly and letting the good vibes replace those negative thoughts! Continue reading “5 Tricks For Snapping Yourself Out Of A Bad Mood” →