10 Daily Mantras For Confidence and Happiness

10 Daily Mantras to increase confidence and happiness!

Serious question – How often do you talk to yourself? Studies show that personal growth and happiness involves not only how we view the world, but how we view (and treat) ourselves. Confidence is one of the toughest things to master for many people, because it’s easy to get down on ourselves when things don’t go as planned.

If you want to maintain confidence and happiness no matter what comes your way, you need to fully believe you are happy and confident. “Fake it until you make it” will only get you so far though; you need to genuinely believe it! Daily mantras can help keep you grounded, confident, and happy no matter what comes your way – So give them a try and see what type of changes you notice in yourself!

Here are 10 mantras focused on confidence and happiness. Try saying these everyday until you wholeheartedly believe them! 🙂

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