Antioxidants: What They Are And Why We Need Them!

What are antioxidants and why do we need them?

You’ve heard it before; “Make sure you’re getting those antioxidants!” But what exactly is an antioxidant, and why are they so important?

As a Cell & Molecular Biology major, I have to admit that I geek out a little when it comes to learning about the human body on a cellular level. I find it so fascinating, and I have decided to start sharing more posts and info about what I’ve learned through my studies. I hope you guys enjoy the topics, and if there are specific things that you’d like to learn more about feel free to reach out and let me know!

For today’s post, I’m discussing antioxidants and explaining why we need these little free radical scavengers in our bodies! 🙂 Continue reading “Antioxidants: What They Are And Why We Need Them!”

5 Essential Foods That You Probably Aren’t Eating Enough Of!

essential foods, foods to eat more, how to get more nutrients

Consistently eating healthy is sometimes a hard thing to accomplish, but it’s really about finding the right balance for your body.

I have always been mindful of what I put into my body, but a couple of years ago I became a little too obsessed I would say. I already avoided processed foods, but I decided to take it one step further and cut out all meat, dairy, gluten, and sugar from my diet. Now, I am not sure how many of you have done this (or maybe currently are) but you will realize that literally everything has at least one of those items in it! After months of limiting these foods, I came to realize that moderation is really the key to leading a healthy lifestyle while also being able to indulge from time to time. As my studies in molecular biology have taught me, there are so many things that can affect our cells, and the key is to always make sure that we provide our bodies with the proper nutrients that it needs to function at it’s best.

So on that note, I decided to share 5 foods that I believe we should all be eating frequently! Of course, if you have allergies or dietary issues with these foods you will have to look to other options.  Continue reading “5 Essential Foods That You Probably Aren’t Eating Enough Of!”